Where can I find information on PTO Budget?
Learn more about the budget and where you can find information about PTO financials.
The PTO budget and financials are available for members to view. Here are the three main ways to access the budget:
Attend a PTO General Meeting
We hand out a copy of the current budget at every PTO General Meeting, including bank statements.
Click here for upcoming PTO meeting dates.
Email the WGA PTO Exec Board
You can email wgapto@gmail.com anytime with questions about the budget, revenue and expenditures. Our Treasurer will address these in a timely fashion.
Download a copy of the budget from PTO website
Go to the PTO-Funded Projects page and download a copy of the budget from the link at the top of the page. (NOTE: Members have to log in to access this page.)
If you have any questions about how monies are allocated to the school, teachers, and staff, check out this page.