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Join the WGA PTO Community

Families make up a great WGA community. Set up your member account to be better informed, engaged, and active in the WGA community.


Any parent or legal guardian of currently active student(s) at WGA is considered a member-at-large. There are no dues for membership.


In addition, membership is extended to any person interested in the objectives of the organization and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws, including WGA coaches, sponsors and directors.


All members can:

  • Attend any/all general PTO meetings and/or view meeting minutes

  • Participate in any/all volunteer opportunities provided by WGA PTO

  • Ask for updates on revenue and expenditures (i.e., WGA PTO funded projects) of the organization


The success of WGA PTO relies and thrives on its member feedback, insights, and ideas.

Join the Community

By creating a WGA PTO community account, members get additional access to select member only areas with additional information and resources:


  • Status and progress on PTO-Funded projects throughout the year

  • Current budget updates and expenditures

  • Fundraising revenue updates (i.e. Check-a-thon goals)

  • Archives of previous year's meeting minutes

  • Comment on News Updates


More interactive areas will be available in the future to help grow the WGA PTO community, such as member profiles, idea forums, voting processes, and more!


Stay updated by reading the meeting minutes.


Get answers to the most frequently asked parent.


Get status updates on projects and programs your PTO funds and supports.



Learn about all volunteer needs at WGA and sign-up to help.

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