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Check-a-Thon: Transform Our Courtyards to Kingdoms!

Are you ready to get creative and help us transform our campus courtyards into epic kingdoms?! See below to get ideas and sign-up to help!

It takes a village to take down Bowser!

Over the next few weeks, the Check-a-thon committee (CAT Team) needs your help in transforming our WGA campus into a gigantic Super Mario World, filled with not 1… not 2… not 3… but FOUR Mario-themed kingdoms: Bowser, Mushroom, Snow, and Pipeland.

And we need lotsa-lotsa help! Go to to sign-up to volunteer!

We need Lead Volunteers for the BIG community builds.

Community builds are those larger, focal points of each kingdom (for instance, a big castle or ice wall, etc.). Each kingdom needs a lead volunteer to team up with Student Leadership representatives, parents and student volunteers to think BIG about their focal point project.

To make this less daunting, just know that...

  • You’re not alone: CAT Team will be available to meet, answer questions, secure volunteers – anything you need to help you project manage!

  • You’ll have a budget: Each kingdom has a $125 budget (team leads will be reimbursed - so keep all receipts). CAT Team is also collecting cardboard donations and additional upcycled materials for all teams.

  • You’ll have a workspace: Campus will be open over fall break (Oct 9-13 from 8:30-3pm) for teams to work on projects on-site, if needed. After fall break teams can also work on campus during and after school.

  • You don’t have to do it all: Keep in mind that some grades are working on their own STEM builds and WGA families are working on their decorative elements!

Final installation and setup will be Sunday, October 22.

Click here to sign up as a team lead directly! Or feel free to contact Erin or Apple directly at - they can help you jump right into a project!

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing!

Don’t you just love the internet?! Just put in a search for DIY Mario World decorations and you’ll find no shortage of ideas. Our CAT Team put together a Pinterest board full of images they found to get your juices flowing:

Designs can be 3D or 2D. They can feature old school 8-bit Mario Brothers stuff or modern-day Mario themes. There is so much room for interpretation!

We are so excited to see the decorative elements that our community teams will design!

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