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Fall Break Volunteer Opportunities

Mrs. Nusbaum is looking for volunteers to help with various projects around campus. If you are available during the 2nd week of fall break and want to help out, sign up on our Volunteer page.

The projects range from building benches and painting panels to moving pavers and prepping the WGA garden. Mrs. Nusbaum and Mr. Tuttle will be around from 8:30am-3pm the 2nd week of fall break to help with project management. Volunteers just need to show up!

Landscaping Projects

Calling those with green (and blue) thumbs! The student garden could use some extra TLC. It needs to be cleaned up and prepped for the upcoming season. (Good for kids and grown-ups.)

Also, they could use extra hands with laying pavers to make safe paths on campus (these can be heavy). (Good for older kids and grown-ups.)

Painting Stuff

The Tech Hub has cubbies in need of paint. These will be decorative and serve as green screens for animation. Also, the acoustic panels in the cafeteria need a few coats of paint, as well. (Grown-ups only... because paints and ladders.)

Building Stuff

The sixth grade benches and planters need to be prepped, then built. This might be a multi-day project depending on the plans. (Good for grown-ups, possibly older kids for tasks towards the back-half of the build.)

Sign ups for all volunteer opportunities are on the WGA PTO Volunteer page.

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