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Play Flavorites (Häagen-Dazs Restaurant Night)

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

Ice cream on a hot summer night never disappoints. And if it's Häagen-Dazs, even better!

Join us on at our first Restaurant Night event of the year. On Friday, July 28, 2023 from 3-9pm at the Häagen Dazs in San Tan Village, 20% of all proceeds support WGA PTO.

This isn't just any ordinary fundraising event. It's a chance to truly find out who in the WGA family is a die-hard ice cream fan!

And to kick off this event, we want to know your fave Häagen-Dazs flavor. (Consider this the one time we won't judge you for playing 'flavorites')!

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Unknown member
Jul 22, 2023

Preliminary results are coming in on the "flavorites" survey. Looks like Mint Chip is in the lead amongst our WGA families! Click the button above to lock in your vote!

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